
Module Resource Pack

The Relational Economies Activity Game is a fun and engaging way to learn about the complexities of commons and community organising.

You can download the PDF files for the game individually below. Alternatively, download the whole package here.



Here are the instructions which explain how the game works.

Mockup designed by kjpargeter / Freepik

Here are a deck of cards for the “Make Disruption Fun” theme of our Relational Economies Activity.

Mockup designed by yeven_popov / Freepik

Here are a deck of cards for the “Wean Off Grant Dependency” theme of our Relational Economies Activity.

Here are a deck of cards for the “Siphon Private Funds” theme of our Relational Economies Activity.

Here is an exploratory worksheet for our Relational Economies Activity so you can record the insights that are generated.

Mockup designed by / Freepik

Here is the module content for the “Make Disruption Fun” theme of our Relational Economies Activity.

Here is the module content for the “Wean Off Grant Dependency” theme of our Relational Economies Activity.

Here is the module content for the “Siphon Private Funds” theme of our Relational Economies Activity.

Bonus Content

Have fun exploring the module content with this special design.
Download this PDF file so that you can zoom in and out for detailed content in all of the three focus areas:

  • How to Siphon Private Funds
  • How to Wean Off Grant Dependency
  • How to Make Disruption Fun

Who is this for?

This resource is for any organisation, community or group who employs (or hopes to employ) democratic decision-making processes and practices. This is especially for you if you are a team that is either coming together to

a) explore new practices and reflect on what team members are interested in or

b) make your practices explicit and actionable– these may be practices you already employ or hope to employ  

This is an opportunity to come together and have conversations you might not get a chance to in your normal day to day.

Why use this platform?

There are two ways to use this platform: exploratory and action oriented. To-date we have the exploratory tools available and will continue to elaborate these materials.

You might use this during a team away day, as a team building exercise, or you might want to do it with us as part of a workshop offering. This may be pertinent because you are going through a transition or just because the collective energy is a bit stagnant, but whatever the reason, the goal is to give you time to play with new ideas.

Our current module focuses on relational economies and so it is particularly suited to organisations that are looking for new ways of funding themselves, or new ways of operating within economies at different scales (primarily locally and nationally).

What is the expected output?

For the exploratory phase the expected output is a set of new relations between the concepts presented, and an understanding of what sorts of tactics your group members are interested in or perhaps even have experience in.